Chinese Orchestra FAQs

Chinese Orchestra (CO) FAQs
How is the CO structured? 
The CO consists of 3 main groups;
1) The Beginners' Group (usually for pupils with 0 to 1 years of experience)
2) The Juniors' Group (usually for pupils with 1 to 2 years of experience)
3) The Seniors' Group (usually for pupils with 2 or more years of experience) 

When will the students be recruited to join the CO? 
All P1 students will get to learn the Chinese Drums during curriculum music lessons in Term 1 and 2. Students who show good potential will be invited to join the CO. 

All P2 students will get to learn an allocated CO instrument (Ruan, Erhu, Cello etc.) during curriculum music lessons in Term 3 and 4. Students who show good potential will be invited to join the CO. 

All P2 and P3 students who are not invited but have an interest in CO can sign up during the CCA fair.

What will the students learn in CO practice sessions?     
The P1 students will learn about CO in general. They will learn to appreciate a few CO pieces, clap some rhythmic exercises and learn to read Cipher musical notation

The P2 students will be allocated a CO instrument. They will learn the fundamentals of the instrument in small groups under a specialized instructor. 

Students who are competent in the fundamentals of their instrument (as assessed by their instructor) will be promoted to Junior Ensemble. They will carry on to learn more advanced techniques and will learn to perform some simple ensemble pieces as a group.  

Students who are confident in performance will be promoted to the Senior Ensemble. They will learn to perform as an ensemble under our dedicated conductor, Mr. Guo Chang Suo. On top of instrumental skills, they will get to learn listening skills ( e.g listening to the other musicians as they play their instruments alongside so that the music sounds neat) , how to interpret the conductor's gestures and how to express the music accordingly. They will also get to learn stage etiquette and other performance-related skills.

31st December 2013